I guide executive moms who
over-serve and under-earn to equality at home and work
For 23 years, gender equality has been my mission. I worked as an international gender expert for the empowerment of women in conflict zones. I trained women to manage conflict, build community, and access financial independence. I consulted on gender equality for international organizations. But when I became a mother 10 years ago everything I believed about gender equality went out the window. I found myself lost in how to balance the roles of a career woman and mother. Despite advanced education and training in gender equality, I had a deep seeded thought that my worth came from being a servant to others' needs. In reality, the gender expert was acting unequally at home and work.
I became determined to change this zero-sum game to a win-win, for myself and other women. I stopped thinking it is my responsibility to meet everybody’s needs and wants. At home, I dropped the role of the servant. At work, I stopped playing by outdated rules and designed my career. Now work supports both our financial well-being and our family life.
And, I coach moms who over-serve and under-earn to being powerhouse at work and home.
Start Your Journey
Here's why we should talk:
I'll help you redefine motherhood and career. Build skill. Shift attitude. Take effective action. We'll move out things that are draining and consuming. We'll bring in agency and contribution.
Each woman's experience is different, but if you struggle with balancing work and motherhood, I'll provide you with appropriate tools, methods, and skills to get you to your external goal:
Getting that promotion you hesitate to request.
Getting a salary you dream of.
Getting the support you’ve been screaming to get from your spouse, partner or your children.
Getting the love and sex life you crave.
Getting the support you are reluctant to ask for.